If you're looking for my basic information; it's right here.

I fervently believe in the power of storytelling and ritual in the choices we make.

We are a species of storytellers, and I excel at work where I can integrate research and stakeholder perspectives to push our shared narrative forward visually. It is easier to sell the big picture when we consider all of the details that make up a brand: from the depth of the strategy to the experience of using the website.

Great work for me isn’t just defined by results, but the people I get to work with.

I am invigorated by collaboration, and I do that best in environments where other people like having a little fun too. It’s always exciting to see our work on shelves or on the screen, but I’ve found my purpose in working with others. I do my best work when solving problems with other people. Whether it’s similarly passionate creatives, or stakeholders who have a dream they want to see realized, I love having conversations that solve problems.

I revel in the details that make up the big picture

I see solutions in systems. Visuals are important, but they are just one part of the whole experience. The right words, the right delivery vehicle, and the ease of the use matter just as much. I love working on big, complex, problems and seeing all the elements come together in a working harmony. I get passionate about seeing each detail being the best it can be.